Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development

An Autonomous Research Institute of ICSSR, New Delhi and Government of Assam

Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development

An Autonomous Research Institute of ICSSR, New Delhi and Government of Assam

Computer Laboratory

Institute's fully air-conditioned computer lab at present has twenty computers. All the computers run on cable and Wi-Fi LAN. The lab has a centralized UPS and power back-up system. The computer lab is equipped with a very high speed internet connection. The lab has acquired comprehensive GIS set up with the financial support from the ICSSR. The GIS unit is equipped with-

  • One dedicated Xeon Workstation with high graphics ability
  • One quad processor based high end PC with graphics utility
  • One 44 inch broad format Contex Scanner
  • One 44 inch broad Canon Plotter
  • One high graphics ability Notepad
  • One GRAMIN 76 CSX GPS system with antenna

The lab is also equipped with specialised licence software like Arc GIS 9.3 with 3D analyst, Image Processing Software like ENVI 4.6 with DEM extraction module, Statistical Packages like SPSS 13.0, STATA9, Origin and EpiInfo.

Computer Laboratory Incharge

Rustam Ali

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Designed & developed by: Biswa Ranjan Sharma
© 1989-2023 OKDISCD

OKD Institute of Social Change and Development
VIP Road,Upper Hengrabari
Six Mile,Guwahati-781036
Assam, India
Phone no.: 0361-2335204